Monday, March 3, 2025

Fischkopf Stats

Fischkopf stats

Artists ordered by number of releases

Eradicator 3 (4)
Lasse Steen 3
Monoloop 3
Taciturne 2 (4)
No Name 2
Auto-Psy 2
Burning Lazy Persons 2
Cybermouse 2 (3)
Christoph de Babalon 1 (2)
Amiga Shock Force 1
Mathey Olivier 1 (3)
(Somatic Responses) 0 (1)
(Alec Empire) 0 (1)

The first number is the number of "official" releases. The numbers in the brackets mean:

Eradicator had a 2x12" album so essentially he has 4 different vinyls on Fischkopf.
Taciturne had a white label 2x12" that was not released (but later on Blut).
Cybermouse had a white label that was not released.
Mathey Olivier had a planned album release after his 12".
Christoph De Babalon had a planned second 12" that was released on CFET instead.
Somatic Responses had a planned release that was released on CFET instead.
Alec Empire had a planned release (mentioned in an old interview), I have no idea if the tracks were released elsewhere.

So Eradicator had the most output. He fell off with Fischkopf after Fisch 14 due to disagreement with the cover art; if not he might have released even more on Fisch.
Lasse Steen and, surpisingly, Monoloop, are second with 3 releases each.
A lot of artists had 2, or just 1 release on the label.
Some artists also only released on the Fischkopf compilation "Slick but not Streamlined".

Relation of Fischkopf to Blut

Sometimes labels are abandoned and a new label is created with a new direction or management, like PCP to Acardipane Records, or labels get sublabels, like Shockwave to Napalm.
With Blut, as far as I know, the main reason it was created was because it was not connected to Container Records anymore (which Fischkopf was). Blut had the same direction, management and most of the rooster of artists as Fischkopf, so I think the relation of Fisch to Blut is much deeper than just a "new label" or a sub. Essentially a "Prince does music under the name 'symbol' now, but more or less still is Prince" situation here, instead of a "Dave Grohl from Nirvana now starts his own band called Foo Fighters" thing.

So it might be interesting to do the stats with both the catalogue of Fischkopf and Blut combined.

Taciturne 3 (6 1/2)
Eradicator 3 (4)
Lasse Steen 3
Monoloop 3
Burning Lazy Persons / Absolute Terror Field 3
No Name 2
Auto-Psy 2
Cybermouse 2 (3)
Amiga Shock Force 2
EPC 2 (1 1/2)
Christoph de Babalon 1 (2)
Mathey Olivier 1 (3)
Low Entropy 1
Leprozid Strick/Pfahl 1 (1/2)
Ad Absurdum 1 (1/2)

So Taciturne is at the top now together with Eradicator, with 3 releases including an album. Nawoto Suzuki has 3 releases now, and Amiga Shock Force and EPC have two.
Surprisingly, of the whole catalogue, the only artists to have released on Blut but not Fischkopf are Ad Absurdum and Low Entropy.
It would've been interesting whether, if Blut had continued, we would have seen additional releases by Lasse Steen or Martin Damm.

If you have comments, or find an error, please let me know.

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